Sannheten om hasj-referanser
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
«Study strengthens marihuana brain damage case», ABC News, 4. juni 2008
«Cannabis harm worse than tobacco», BBC News, 31. juli 2007
«Ny rapport finner høyeste nivå noensinne av THC i amerikansk marihuana» Office of National Drug Control Policy pressemelding 12. juni 2008
National Toxicology Specialists Inc.
«Marihuana Production in the United States», Jon Gettman
Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2005: National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits
«NIDA Infofacts: Marihuana» 14. januar 2008 National Institute on Drug Abuse
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007 World Drug Report
University of South Carolina
Drug Enforcement Administration
American Academy of Pediatrics
Sannheten om alkohol-referanser
«Facts About Alcohol», U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
«Alcohol and Underage Drinking», School of Public Health at John Hopkins University
«Results from the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings», SAMHSA
«2007 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment—Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities», National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, august 2008
«Alcohol and Crime», U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics
«Alcohol-related assault: findings from the British Crime Survey», UK Home Office Online Report
«Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2007», National Health Service (UK)
«Alcohol in Europe: A Public Health Perspective», Institute of Alcohol Studies (UK)
«Alcohol Use Disorders: Alcohol Liver Diseases and Alcohol Dependency», Warren Kaplan, Ph. D., JD, MPH, 7 Oct 2004
«Alcohol and the Brain», University of Washington
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General
Encyclopedia Britannica
«Alcohol Intoxification»,
«Alcohol Alert» U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism april 2006
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
«Teen Drivers: Fact Sheet» Centers for Disease Control
Sannheten om ecstasy-referanser
Drug Enforcement Administration
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse
«Club Drugs Facts and Figures», Office of National Drug Control Policy
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Report 2008
Center for Substance Abuse Research
British Medical Journal
National Institutes of Health
Department of Health (UK)
2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Sannheten om kokain-referanser
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, «State of the Drug Problem in Europe, 2008»
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Fact Sheet on Cocaine
National Institute of Drug Abuse: NIDA Info Facts: Crack and Cocaine, April 2008
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Drug Report 2008
«Cocaine Facts and Figures», Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2008
«Monitoring the Future: National Results on Adolescent Drug Use Overview of Key Findings 2007», National Institute on Drug Abuse
Sannheten om crack-kokain-referanser
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, State of the Drug Problem in Europe, 2008
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Fact Sheet on Cocaine
National Institute of Drug Abuse: NIDA Info Facts: Crack and Cocaine, April 2008
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2008
«Crack Facts and Figures», Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2008
«Illicit Drug Use During Pregnancy», March of Dimes
«Research Report Series—Cocaine Abuse and Addiction», National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
«Drug and Alcohol Use and Related Matters Among Arrestees 2003», Zhiwei Zhang, Ph.D., National Opinion Research Center
«Cocaine use among young reaches shocking levels»,
«Monitoring the Future, Overview of Key Findings 2007», NIDA
UN Office on Drugs and Crime Annual Report 2008
DEA History Book, 1985–1990
«Crack ’epidemic’ fuels rise in violent crime», The Observer, 17 Feb 2002
Sannheten om crystal meth-referanser
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Statistical Bulletin 2008
Interpol report on Methamphetamine, 27. september 2005
«Methamphetamine Facts and Figures», Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2008
Narconon International information on methamphetamine,
Newsweek, «The Meth Epidemic: Inside America’s New Drug Crisis», 8. august 2005
State of Hawaii Office of Lt. Governor news release 31. oktober 2007
«County knocks meth use», 9. juli 2008,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration news release, 15. februar 2008
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime report on Methamphetamine, 1998
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2007 study, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Drug Enforcement Administration report on Methamphetamine oktober 2005
National Institute on Drug Abuse report on Methamphetamine mai 2005
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2008
«National Methamphetamine Threat Assessment 2008» National Drug Intelligence Center U.S. Department of Justice
Sannheten om heroin-referanser
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2008
White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Drug Enforcement Administration (U.S.)
«Research Report Series – Heroin Abuse and Addiction», National Institute on Drug Abuse (U.S.)
Department of Health and Human Services (U.S.)
Center for Substance Abuse Research (U.S.)
«Treatment Episode Data Sett (TEDS) Highlights – 2006» Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
«Results from the 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings» Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (U.S.)
National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
American Council for Drug Education’s Annals of Internal Medicine (April 1999)
The Lancet (UK)
Laboratory of the Municipal Police Amsterdam
Columbia University Medical Center
World Health Organization
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction
«Teen Charged i ’Cheese Heroin’ Death Jeremy Landers AP 28. februar 2008
«Message from the Chairman», The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse of Columbia University, Fall 2008
Sannheten om sniffing-referanser
«Inhalant Abuse» National Institute on Drug Abuse
«Inhalants Pose Health Threat to Teens», Iowa Department of Public Health, 24 Mar 2008
«Inhalant Use across the Adolescent Years», National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 13 Mar 2008
National Inhalant Abuse Taskforce Final Report, Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2005
«Inhalants», Timothy Kaufman, M.D.,, 9 Jul 2007
«About Inhalants», National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
«Intelligence Brief: Huffing», National Drug Intelligence Center, Nov 2001
«Inhalants: Description/Overview», U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
«Inhalant Abuse», National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report Series
«Huffing-Inhalants», National Education Foundation of America
«NIDA InfoFacts: Inhalants», National Institute on Drug Abuse
Sannheten om LSD-referanser
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction 2007 Annual Report
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, report on LSD, 1998
U.S. Department of Justice, National Drug Intelligence Center report, May 2003
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
«Research Report Series – Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs» U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse
U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy report on Hallucinogens, September 2005
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD—The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, Grove Press, (revised edition), March 1986 (hjemmeside for det franske innenriksdepartementets kamp mot stoff og stoffmisbruk)
Hopkins Medical News
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
“Situation of amphetamines, Ecstasy and LSD in Europe,” European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
“New Study Reveals More than 3 Million Adolescents and Young Adults Have Used Non-Prescription Cough and Cold Medicines to Get High at Least Once in their Lifetimes,” 10 Jan 2008, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Sannheten om smertestillende midler-referanser
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Fact Sheet on Prescription Drug Abuse
«Older Americans fight drug abuse», 3. juli 2008, International Herald Tribune
«Methadone rises as a painkiller with big risks», 17. august 2008, International Herald Tribune
«Nurofen Plus to remain on sale», 6. august 2008
«Warning on painkillers», 5. april 2007, Financial Times
2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
«Depressants», USAs Department of Health & Human Services og SAMHSAs National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information
ABC of drugs,
A Brief History of Opium,
OxyContin Information, National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information
OxyContin: Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Info Facts: Prescription Pain and Other Medications
National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report, «Prescription Drugs, Abuse and Addiction 2001»
«Some Commonly Prescribed Medications: Use and Consequences,» National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute of Justice, Drug and Alcohol Use and Related Matters Among Arrestees, 2003
U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy, «Drug Facts: OxyContin,» and «Prescription Drug Facts and Figures»
«New Report Reveals More Than 1000 People Died in Illegal Fentanyl Epidemic of 2005–2007,» Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
«Teen OTC and Prescription Drug Abuse,»
Sannheten om misbruk av reseptbelagt medisin-referanser
«Drug Scheduling», USAs Drug Enforcement Administration
«Selected Prescription Drugs with Potential for Abuse», National Institute on Drug Abuse
International Narcotics Control Board
Office of Drug Control Policy
«Prescription Sedatives & Tranquilizers» Partnership for
a Drug-Free America
Uttalelser fra Leonard J. Paulozzi foran USAs Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crimes and Drugs den 12. mars 2008
Center for Substance Abuse Research
National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2007
«Suicidality, violence and mania caused by SSRIs: A review and analysis», P. Breggin.
«Depressants», USAs Department of Health & Human Services og SAMHSAs National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information
«Prescription drugs a gateway for teen drug abuse», Houston Chronicle, 4. september 2008
Sannheten om misbruk av ritalin-referanser
Drug Enforcement Administration Fact Sheet on Prescription Drug Abuse
Monitoring the Future–National Results on Adolescent Drug Use, Overview of Findings 2007, National Institute on Drug Abuse
USA Dept of Health & Human Services Testimony, av Nora D. Volkow MD for Senatet, Justisvesenets underkomite for kriminalitet og stoff, 12. mars 2008
Emergency Department Visits Involving ADHD Stimulant Medications, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, 2006 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
“Millions Have Misused ADHD Stimulant Drugs, Study Says”, Shankar Vedantam, Washington Post, 25 Feb 2006
“NIDA InfoFacts: Stimulant ADHD Medications—Methylphenidate and Amphetamines,” National Institute on Drug Abuse
Vanderbilt University Psychology Dept.
The Harvard Crimson Center for Substance Abuse Research
Novartis (Ritalin description)
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
University of Indiana Prevention Resource Center
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
New York University Health Center
The Family Council on Drug Awareness
1. “DEA News: Huge Synthetic Drug Takedown,” Drug Enforcement Administration news release,
2. Study by Recreational Drug European Network, 2013.
3. “Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment,” UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014.
4. “Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Synthetic Cannabinoid Use – Multiple States,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2012.
5. “Lab Results Confirm CBP in Ohio Discover Synthetic Narcotics in Incense Packets,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection, January 14, 2009.
6. “Comprehensive Drug Information on Synthetic Cannabinoids – ‘Spice’ and ‘K2’,” Hunterdown Drug Awareness Program, June 29, 2012.
7. Study by The Scripps Research Institute, 2013.
8. The DAWN Report, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
9. “These Aren’t Your Grandma’s Bath Salts,” American College of Emergency Physicians,
10. “The Toxicology of Bath Salts: A Review of Synthetic Cathinones,” Jane M. Prosser, Lewis S. Nelson, Journal of Medical Toxicology, March 2012.
11. Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012.
12. “‘N-bomb’ drug stirs fears among police, doctors,” USA Today, May 4, 2013.
13. “The Synthetic Drug Craze: What Chiefs Need to Know,” Emily K. Dye, The Police Chief, September 2013.
14. “Teen Seizures and Deaths Linked to Dangerous Designer Drug ‘N-Bomb’ – Part 1,” Addiction Treatment Magazine, April 18, 2014.
Other sources: U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse and U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy.
The Truth About Drugs References
1. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2007 Annual Report
2. “Drug Facts, Did You Know?” Drugs and the Environment, October 2004
3. Results from the 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Fact Sheet.
5. Office of National Drug Control Policy
6. “New Initiative Harnesses Power of Teens, Parents to Stop Teen Drug Use,” Media Campaign, News Room, 29 January 2004
7. Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, 3 October 2004
8. “Help for Parents: Is Your Child Using Drugs? How to Find Out,” Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 12 October 2004
10. UN Office of Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2008
11. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Statistical Bulletin 2008

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